План Б | Услуги


  • The web site of the company
  • Enterprise portal
  • Online store
  • Selling page (Landing page)
  • Support sites
  • Planning
    and design
  • Signature style
  • Apps for social networking
  • Apps for smartphones
  • Promotion in social networks (SMM)
  • Lead generation
  • Promotion in search engines (SEO)
  • Reputation marketing
  • Media advertising
  • Branding
  • Contextual advertising
  • Online PR
  • Video presentation

Plan B company is a partner of 1C-Bitrix.

You can purchase the products of 1C - Bitrix and create a site based on it.

Below are the prices for different edition «1С-Bitrix: Site management»:

1 990 rub.

The first site

To the editor included 4 modules

Begin your business online – create an Internet presence, site card or other small «light» site with minimal load on the host.

5 400 rub.


To the editor included 13 modules

Manage your websitecontent professional: create pages and sections, publish news, articles, catalogues, distribute access rights to the website.

15 900 rub.


To the editor included 21 modules.

Create interactive websites: communicate with visitors in the forums and blogs, conducta survey, organize community, photo gallery, sendmailingto subscribers.

52 900 rub.


To the editor included 37 modules.

Everything you need to create modern portal for mass media: technological basis for the development of information portal with its social network and communities.

35 900 rub.

Little business

To the editor included 31 modules.

Open your own online-store with minimal costs. Place any number of products in the catalog, manage discounts and delivery. Integrate shop with "1C" and "Yandex.Market".

72 900 rub.


To the editor included 49 modules

It's more than online store. Empower your website: manage sales of goods, services, electronic content, automate order processing, integrate store with "1C", maintain partner network, evaluate advertising costs, create communities.


* - required fields